There are 61 illustrations and photographs contained in
The Alien Jigsaw and an additional 8 in The Alien
Jigsaw Researcher's Supplement. Below are several that
are displayed in various articles and interviews contained
in this "web site."
Click on the illustration and it will take you to the
article it appears in, but you'll have to "find" your way
back to "The Hidden Page." They are all linked to the
section they appear in.

A Crystal City on "the dark side of the

1967 childhood abduction

Blue Being (female)

The Blonde (male)

Type One Grey: "The Floating Grandfather
Alien" (male)

A healthy and vibrant tan-skinned infant
sucking my pinkie finger.

One of many tiny spotted Beings in a small
room on a military base. Only 12"-18" tall. They closed
their eyes and were very afraid of me.

The Beings presented me with one of my
children as a way of saying "Thank you." He kept his eyes
closed and was extremely frightened of me.

"The Sighting." One of three
hamburger-shaped crafts I saw in 1976. All three crafts were
silver with red, blue, and yellow lights that moved from
left to right.
A white-skinned "alien" I saw in an
underground facility. He was being escorted by human males
who were wearing the same type of black jump-suits. His left
eye was red and white and spiraled inward.
©1993-1996 Katharina
Wilson. All Rights Reserved. Puzzle Publishing, PO Box
230023, Portland, Oregon, 97281-0023, USA. The preceding is
reproduced with permission of the Author. Permission is
given to reproduce and redistribute in printed form, for
non-commerical purposes only, provided the information and
the copy remain intact and unedited.